Solomon Success » Podcast

Richard Tiller is a motivational leader, manager, coach, as well as an author. He has been a bible teacher for the past three decades and wrote the Tough Conversations with the Heart of Jesus book. He shares some great insights on the Solomon Success show on how you can be a better leader in your work place and he also shares some great advice on having the tough conversations no one wants to have. 


Key Takeaways:

3:15 – The biggest reason why we avoid tough conversations is due to fear. 

9:10 – Richard shares some great phrases you can use to make tough conversations easier. 

12:30 – It's important to tell people what they've done well, but also let them know the standards that you've set for them. 

15:20 – Don't worry about winning or losing. It's a team effort. 

18:10 – The key to success in short term relationships is gratification, but that doesn't work for long term relationships. 

20:35 – Richard talks about the biblical aspects of his book in Tough Conversations with the Heart of Jesus.  


Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: SS_55_Richard_Tiller_Tough_Conversations.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 6:13pm EDT

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the famous book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. His book has been referenced countless of times from financial experts all over the world. Robert has appeared on shows such as Bloomberg News, CNN, Oprah, and Larry King Live. He has been on Jason's show twice and today he talks about the biggest scams in our modern society. 


Key Takeaways:

2:15 – The real scam is when you don't know anything about money. 

8:10 – The biggest scam is when you invest in the stock market. The brokers are the ones who are always making money. 

11:52 – What's really happening in the stock market is the CEOs are buying their own stock and drying the market up to try and dube you that the market is doing well and to invest. 

18:26 – Robert talks about his investments and his debt. 

20:25 – Being successful in school doesn't make you rich. 

24:50 – The biggest scam is the lack of financial education in the school system. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: SS_54_Robert_Kiyosaki_8_Rich_Dad_Scams.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:21am EDT

Michael Novak is a journalist, novelist, diplomat, and an American Catholic philosopher. He has written and edited more than 45 books since 1961. Novak has touched on issues as vast as human rights and welfare reform to sports and television. Pope John Paul II called Novak his friend and Margaret Thatcher has praised him dearly for his work. He appears on the Solomon Success show to talk a little bit about his time with President Ronald Reagan, his opinions on abortion, the democratic party, and more. 


Key Takeaways:

3:55 - China and Indian alone have raised half a billion people out of poverty. A good 70% of the world is no longer poor. 

9:15 – Michael talks a little bit about how he started and his work with Ronald Reagan. 

14:15 – Michael breaks down what a good speech should consist of. It should open with some humor, talk about the current pains of the people, share facts not many people might know about, and what action you're going to take to fix this. 

18:45 – Michael makes a comparison between political parties back in his time and now. He believes in today's current time politics has become much more bitter. 


23:00 – Michael used to associate himself as a democrat, but that changed when the democratic party started to supported abortion. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

Direct download: SS_53_Michael_Novak_The_Spirit_of_Democratic_Capitalism.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:08pm EDT

Key Takeaways:

2:40 – Jesus was always asking questions. It's important to always ask questions. 

7:15 – If you're governed by things, there's never enough. 

10:00 – What is the Christian way of investing? Hawkins explains a little bit more about this. 

13:10 – You have to start early to investing and to just get started. That's the important thing, just start. 

16:30 – If you want to see where someone's heart is, see where they're putting their money. 

18:10 – When Hawkins received his paycheck, he's always make sure a 10th of it went to the Lord. 

19:30 – God looks at how you get your money, how you guard it, and how we give it. 

22:25 – Book proceeds and donations goes to Hawkins's ministry that helps retired pastors and widows who are living near poverty level. 


Mentioned In This Episode:

The Jesus Code by O. S. Hawkins

Direct download: SS_52_OS_Hawkins_The_Jesus_Code.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:45pm EDT